DOW Mexico City


91% savings in potable water use, use of renewable energy, 35% savings in energy consumption for lighting, 98% of regularly occupied spaces have access to outside views, Development and implementation of a Green Education Program and a Green Cleaning Program


Dow Mexico City offices were submitted to a rigorous commissioning process. The refrigerants of the air conditioning system are free of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), thus preventing the depletion of the ozone layer.

The installed electric load for Dow Mexico City’s lighting was reduced by 35%. This is expected to result in significant savings in electricity consumption. 71% of the total load of appliances and office equipment used in Dow Mexico City corresponds to equipment that has the “Energy Star” label, which contributes to the total energy savings of the project.

Dow Mexico City purchased Renewable Energy Certificates (REC’s) for 428-megawatt hour, certified by Green-e. Each REC represents the environmental benefits of generating one megawatt hour of renewable energy. This purchase represents 35% of the energy consumption that the offices will have for 2 years, estimated in 213,973 kWh per year.


Dow Mexico City air conditioning project, in addition to considering cooling, also ensures that all occupants have the amount of outside air set by the ASHRAE 62.1-2007 standard. Smoking is prohibited indoors, and near to windows and entrances to the building, to prevent exposure of occupants to tobacco smoke.

Permanent CO2 monitoring systems were installed in densely occupied spaces. These systems report the performance of the ventilation system to ensure that it maintains the minimum requirements specified by the designer. In addition, air flow meters were also installed in non-densely occupied spaces. All monitoring systems generate an alarm which is activated when conditions vary by 10% or more from the set point.

An Indoor Environmental Quality management plan was conducted during the construction of the offices. This plan was implemented to reduce air quality problems resulting from construction and promote the well-being of occupants and workers. All paints, varnishes, and enamels used indoors have low or zero-VOC content. Similarly, the workstations used indoors are certified to ensure low emission of pollutants.

98% of regularly occupied spaces have access to outside views. This generates a connection between the occupant and the outside, increasing their well-being.


Dow Mexico City’s commercial offices save 91% in water consumption, compared to typical office water consumption. Savings are achieved by combining high-efficiency water fixtures and fittings installed in the building and in the commercial interior occupied by Dow Mexico City, as well as the reuse of wastewater and rainwater from the site into flushing fixtures (toilets and urinals). Savings not only contribute to environmental conservation, but also reduce the pressure upon the water supply systems and wastewater infrastructure.


The commercial interior occupied by Dow Mexico City has adequate facilities for the storage of recyclables, encouraging separation of waste at the source.18% of total building’s construction materials have been manufactured from recycled material, which reduces environmental impact caused by the extraction and processing of virgin materials.

21% of construction materials used in the commercial interior include materials and products which have been manufactured within an 800 km radius from Dow Mexico City’s location, avoiding the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere generated by materials transportation. Additionally, national, and local economy is supported.

LEED score

LEED BD+C for Commercial Interiors v3
junio 2016
LEED Plata

Sustainable Sites


Water Efficiency


Energy and Atmosphere


Materials and Resources


Interior Environmental Quality




Regional priority



The project is located within a LEED for Core & Shell certified building. The building where the commercial interior is located collects, treats, and reuses 100% of the rainwater that falls within the site. 100% of the parking spaces are underground, helping to reduce the heat island effect which would occurs if the parking spaces were above ground. The building has a wastewater treatment plant where 100% of wastewater is treated and subsequently reused.

The offices are in an area with pedestrian access to various services, including banks, hospitals, gym, restaurant, pharmacy, hotel, church, school, and museum, which promotes sustainability in the community. In addition, the site is well served by public transportation, this means that occupants can commute to work or carry out activities without the need for a car.