CÍVITA is committed to sustainability and is aware that there is a global need for immediate action against climate change, thus, we calculate our 2018 and 2019’ carbon footprint using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol’ methodology “A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard”(WRI/WBCSD).[i]
Carbon footprint is defined as the sum of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are generated directly or indirectly by individuals, organizations, products, geographic regions (regional or national entities), industry sectors, or institutions.
Emissions are measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), and the Greenhouse gases regulated by the Kyoto Protocol are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).[ii]
From the GHGs regulated by the Kyoto protocol, we consider emissions sources of CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions. For the calculation, we chose the operational control approach and quantify the following emissions relevant to the company’s operations:
Scope 1
CÍVITA has no direct Scope 1 emissions, which are related to combustion in stationary sources, as boilers, furnaces, turbines, or caused by company owned mobile sources, physical or chemical processing, or fugitive emissions.
Scope 2
Purchased electricity:
Energy consumed from the electricity grid, from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
Scope 3
Employee business travel:
We quantify the emissions generated in the flights taken by our staff and the trips using transportation services with driver (Uber and Cabify).
Employees commuting to and from work:
We analyze the distances travelled and the means of transportation used by our staff, to commuting to and from work.
Waste disposal:
We consider the waste per categories generated by our staff, during our offices’ operation schedule.
We are proud to share that in 2019 we achieved a 20% reduction regarding to our 2018 emissions
We mitigated 4.40 t CO2e
Considering that we emitted 21.84 t CO2e in 2018 and 17.45 t CO2e in 2019.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the reduction is equivalent to the carbon captured by 2.28 hectares of forest in one year.[iii]
The reduction of our carbon footprint was only possible due the implementation of the following environmental strategies in our offices and operations:
Optimal planning of business trips (less trips required):
We carry out efficient trips. We planned the activities of different projects in Mexico City that required the assistance of Guadalajara’s employees, so that in fewer trips made, more site visits and meetings were carried out. In the same way, we took advantage of the transportation services with drivers.
Project planning
Integral management of the waste generated (increased recycling and composting).
In 2019 we designated a storage area for recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, batteries, lamps, and electronic waste, which are taken to a collection center every week.
Besides, a waste audit was made, in which we identified that organic waste represented a large percentage of the total waste generated, so we decided to make compost and use it on our terrace.
Organic waste used for composting
Energy efficiency and installation of solar panels in our Guadalajara office (less energy from the grid).
We increase energy efficiency in our offices by considering natural ventilation and lighting. Also, we decided to purchase energy-efficient computers and monitors with the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® label.
Besides, in June 2019, a photovoltaic power generation system was installed in our Guadalajara office. The system consists of 8 photovoltaic modules, with a total capacity of 2.64 kW.
Solar panels installed
Less use of automobile to go to the offices (Priority to walk, use bicycle, public transportation, or carpool)
We take advantage of our office’s location, which facilitates access to alternative transportation. Our offices are in areas with bicycle lanes, public bicycle service, several options of public transportation, and walking accessibility.
Parking in the surrounding streets is limited and expensive, so our best option is to give priority to walking, use a bicycle, public transportation, or carpooling.
Bicycle lane adjacent to CÍVITA office
“What is not defined cannot be measured. What is not measured, cannot be improved. What is not improved, is always degraded.” (Lord Kelvin).
If you are interested in calculating your corporate carbon footprint and setting mitigation goals, contact us for further information.
Phone number: +52 (33) 3336 2718. Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.
Email: info@civita.com.mx
[i] The Greenhouse Gas Protocol. (s.f.) A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. World Business Council for Sustainable Development & World Resources Institute.
[ii] The Greenhouse Gas Protocol. (2013). Required Greenhouse Gases in Inventories. World Business Council for Sustainable Development & World Resources Institute.
[iii] EPA. (2020). Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. https://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator
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